Friday, March 24, 2023

Double Feature

Rock & Roll will never Die: Chaoscillate 3/23/23

Even if at this stage of my life I don't actively attend them, I am so happy basement shows still happen regularly. I caught chaoscillates latest gig at one last night, and if your 30s are supposed to administer cynicism, no one told these guys, for they proved last night without irony or doubt that rock and roll never dies.

It's strange if you have seen them play for me to note the LACK of cynicism on display, as front man Zirps lyrics certainly play in that sandbox.
But music is A creative, not destructive act, and these basement shows foster a sense of community 

The group played like they were there with something to prove, and they certainly did, as I scanned the scene whilst they slashed and galloped and growled, I could see them win each and every audience member 
over with there blistering set
The music is bludgeoning; sure, but the sparks shooting off the guitar riffs and the exploration of the bass imbue them with a uniqueness rarely found in modern hardcore
The drummer is quite simply awe-inspiring in Bart Simpson socks, carrying the night with his feral drumming.

And of course fronting this pure storm of CREATIVE rock and roll is the man himself, front man Zirp, jovial and relaxed between songs but an Absolute animal on the mic. 

The passion and intensity of his performance is the bands secret sauce 
(And no it is not ketchup and mayonnaise) but proof that rock and roll has a forever beating, if battered; heart. 

-Lou Toad