Thursday, May 19, 2022

Excellent Movie. Great Movie

Movie Review: Last Foxtrot In Burbank

This one has been a "Holy Grail" movie for me for a very long time. This is the very first movie Charles Band (Ghoulies, Puppet master) ever made. Allegedly all prints were destroyed after a disastrous release. Allegedly UCLA recently found the negative among there archives. As you may have guessed, it's a send up of "Last Tango In Paris." It comes off like a 70s Porn without the explicit sex. Overall its pretty dull and plods along even at only an hour long. I'm glad I have seen it finally, but never want to again. "Mansion Of The Doomed" which the star of this Michael Pataki (doing an Ok Brando Impersonation) directed and band produced, is far better and worth your time. Now, if we could only find the Steely Dan scored, Wes Craven edited. Lost film "You gotta walk it like you talk it or you'll lose that beat."

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

From an Unpublished Novel from 2007

It was Saturday morning our dawning early light 7:30 A.M., me and Ray Zag awakened in my pad after a long night’s eternity spent at a hill-strewn park that sat beside the mystic river, the dirty rust-clenched oil tanks of Chelsea across the river, decaying in there industrial hate. We sat and smelled the sweet ocean scent, I placed my hands on the cool grass as we discussed paternal affairs among the brilliant writings of Jack, Kindred Brother of the Massachusetts night. We sipped our 40’s of booze and enjoyed the cool radiance that enwrapped us.

Earlier that night we galloped in musical mayhem beauty with Dave Herrera. Madman, Psycho of the drum kit that reflects everything in the pulsations of his holy drumming. He took off for a party with his family after the jam session, eating and drinking exuberant madness that clocked in at some odd time.

For two weeks now at the time of this very writing our Buddy Zirp has been missing. Everyone worries and no one has any notion of what to think or believe anymore, no word or vision has crossed any of us, not even in passing. Zirp was the main topic of discussion at the session, departed bass player as we puffed grass and attempted to enjoy ourselves fully. We , A rock and roll band with experimental bends, we now felt as though wandering mood less without his pure unforced humor and skewered view of life. Zirp got a face that immediately affects the immediacy of his brain patterns. In the thirteen years I’ve known him there was never a point were he said “now you’ve gone too far Lou, I can’t walk with you down that road.” never was he judge or jury, always friend, fellow traveler, avid seeker of impassioned fury, he had held more jobs than any of us, it was as if he equated steady work with prison, and Zirp could never keep his soul chained up 40 hours a week like the rest of us somehow had to.

Me and Zag would often talk about taking a camping trip to the wilds of New Hampshire, secret lost heaven. we’d drive up in his ‘92 corolla, with dreams and Acoustic guitars and bongos and magic mushrooms and marijuana and music and ZAM! Blaring Zappa as we shot down the road, discussing Jung like there was no fucking reason.

Me and Zag always riff on great people as a topic of conversation, just like we’ll take a Iommi riff as a jumping off point for guitar improvisation. We are obsessed with great people: Phil Lynott, Zappa, Johnny Thunders, Keroauc, Bill Murray, Belushi ,Patti Smith, Dimebag, personalities, larger than life personas, and all that.

Conversations with Ray Zag at Outer Order, he would recite prose poems that would send your head on Owl-driven trips to beyond but this was a reflection of his infernal internal eternal war-torn world.

Before you even knew he had entered your mind he was back out. Onto another abhorrent void nothing ahh. The city constructed by the condemned, what other men could build walls so full of the anguish of promises destroyed by self-destruction and the worst kind of delusions.The delusions not tossed onto the self by external sources but the Delusion perpetuated by the self unto the self, what a damaging delusion this is, thus , and so much more destructive because it depletes us. And you know this owl is one-eyed, were he seeks he never misses, and similarly is driven by a one-track kind of mindset.

In A puff Of Smoke out of Eternity Nowhere Zirp showed up at my pad one day. No Explanations needed, None given. He was on some Deep Head Sabbatical and replenishing his life forces. We Picked up where we left off as a Quartet, joined in musical fury at Outer Order Studios, Ripping through our setlist like we had Hellhounds on our trail.

Steve McQueen Morning

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Cool 70's Rock #1: Overlooked proto metal classic: Grand Funks "Survival"

A New Series covering awesome 70s Rock bands, most (not all) forgotten.

I'm gonna stop you right there. "Grand Funk Railroad?" You're thinking. "That cornball 70s band that did the locomotion?" "Proto METAL?" No way. And I would agree with you before 2006, when I first read Lester Bangs articles that remarked upon there heaviness. He specifically mentioned this album cover, which I went and sought out (on Vinyl, as far as I know it wasn't on CD at the time.) From the opening track "Country Road" I was floored. The bass alone was sabbath worthy. The Drums, at times, prefigure Topper Headon of The Clash's clipped style.And then the guitar sound. So guttural, so Driving,even proto ramones chug at times. This was 1971 remember. The absolute standout track though is there cover of "Gimme Shelter". This is garage rock turned up past 10million, the graveliest Graveyard Guitar tone and snakeskin Rhythm you will ever hear. For real, this is a fucking Basement Burner Of an album. Its on Spotfiy of course. Smoke your brains out and give it a listen. When people talk about "Cool 70's Rock" they are talking about albums like this.

Rock N Roll Focused Day

 Tucky Buzzard
The Kinks (70s Albums)
   The Doors
The Scientists

Monday, May 9, 2022

remixing A portion of Zag Poetry from Two Thousand & Twelve with additions

A game we've all lost, 
tails between 
our tired walking posts 
of meaty fatigue. 
Bastardized by the clock, 
seconds laugh at minutes 
as hours form little pieces 
of solidified juncture.

The Place a mess of unrealized Potential
Of Uneaten ambtion 
Of unclassifiable knowledge
Littered about the haus is a comfort
A disagreeable kind of comfort
That seems to outlive us.

class it up a bit for the afternoon titles

I'm not a nerd I don't read Berks.

been wanting to see this one for a long time. thanks again to Tubi

Rest In Pieces

I vividly remember this cover at block buster in the late 90s, but I never rented it. It is a gloriously cheesy late 80s Italian movie-pretending to be american mashup of ghostly haunting and steal the inheritance stock plot. Highly recommend. I watched it on Tubi.

Sunday, May 8, 2022


"If there is something comforting - religious, if you want - about paranoia, there is still also anti-paranoia, where nothing is connected to anything, a condition not many of us can bear for long." -Gravitys Rainbow