Friday, December 1, 2023

Rock N Roll Movies session 1

For The month of December,I am doing sets of "rock and roll movies. 

Rock All Night (1957) directed by Roger corman

The Forgotten film in the trilogy of 1950s dick Miller roles directed by Roger corman. The others are of course  little shop of horrors and A bucket of Blood. This one is like a 1 set, 1 act play, a psychodrama disguised as a teen Rock n roll picture.  At barely over an hour, it features 50s Rock and roll, a send up of beat culture and a arresting performance by Dick Miller as the American version of England's "angry young man". Very much worth your time. On Tubi free with ads.

Rock And Roll High School Forever  (1991)

As much as I love the OG rock and roll high school,  something about this early 90s Corey Feldman starring straight to video affair hypnotizes, fascinates. A daughter of a witch whose eating habits include jello and fat from steak,  a teenage Rock and roll combo led by Corey Feldman, appliance worship,.About 10 times better than it needed to be and smarter than your average art house title. On youtube

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