Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Why I love my generation

I'm writing what would be a highly controversial post if anyone read my blog
Let me go on a bit about the virtues of my generation.

That would be millennial, uh mostly.

As all of you living, living dead and esp dead know, life is not that easy. You cannot draw a canonical line in the sand and say "here ends Gen X and here begins Gen Y" .us humans are funny like that, we are not math equations. 

I say this as a man born in the hallowed year of 1986, and I would hazard to say any "millenial" born in the 80s has a healthy streak of Gen X cynicism bred right in there fuckin bones. Double if you got Gen X Siblings or cousins.

How's this? My parents were Boomers! That is right, the fave hate of the Gen X.

As much as I love my Dad (rest Easy in Vallhalla,  King) and my mother who is the queen of the universe, I would never wanna be from there era. Three channels? No home media? Gas shortage? Fuck that. 

With that being said, I grew up with this kind of smirking adoration for my Gen X elders. You must not forget that the early 90s moved much,much slower than today.  What was huge in 1987 might only trickle down to a inner city kid by 1993, if at all. That's just how it was.

Its a strange thing,  to be old enough to remember a time before the internet  but young enough to see how it overtook the world. To respect on the one hand the healthy mistrust of authority by the preceding Gen X and hold out hope that the enthusiasm of the up and coming Zoomers is warranted (even if Gen X and Boomers keep thinking we are the same)

All in all I like streaming AND vinyl. I came up in the era of special edition CDs and TV On Dvd , I like ephemera. It's not better or worse than anything else, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. Its my generation.

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