Wednesday, April 24, 2024

The Choir A Poem By Ray Zag

The Choir sang off key…

Hold a vigil for my memories,

Candles flicker off the wall 

Hold a vigil for our reveries,

I just hope you had a ball

I remember moonlit nights,

Blue-line T stations; triple decker backdrops 

I remember sun drenched days,

Eyeballs in skulls, wrapped in skin

looking for roses, finding dead grass

The unbearable heft of depression,

As the bass from the bar below

reverberation caught in the 

black eyes of a mouse

Fidelity flawed, intuition cut in thirds

And the choir sang off key

And the choir sang off key

Years divided by months,

Months divided by days

Corpses at the alter, 

Bloated, blackened, scythed

Ghosts of urbanization, caught in limbo

Set ablaze by condominiums 

Where their buildings stood erect 

People haunted by realities,

of dreams they never met

The only difference between me,

and Francis Scott Key

is when they light my fucking vigil, 

may the choir sing off key


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