Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Tune In Tuesday: Night Screams

High school football star David has just won a four-year scholarship to the University of Oklahoma, and - with his parents away for the night - is planning to mark the occasion with a party for his buddies and girlfriend. But, as the evening’s festivities get underway at a local nightclub, two violent fugitives take refuge in the basement of David’s home. When the action moves over to David’s place, it quickly becomes clear that someone is intent on spoiling the celebration - as, one by one, the revelers get picked off and butchered in various gruesome ways. But are the stowaway crooks responsible for the carnage, or is this the work of someone even more unhinged?

Special Features Include: 

both its Pre-Release and Standard Theatrical versions

Brand new commentary track with director Allen Plone & cinematographer Eric Anderson, moderated by special features producer Ewan Cant

"Blood and Chopsticks: Echoes of Night Screams" (80 min) - a brand new making-of documentary featuring interviews with its cast and crew

An Exceptional Slasher, especially for the late 80s. The gore is plentiful and the concept novel. Even if you see the twist coming, it is still very well done. Of course I must mention the sweetheart dancers and The Dogs? a dance troupe and Rock Group. who appear in the film. A wonderful bit of regional charm.
Creatively shot and well acted. The special features are revelatory. 


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